MALI 2020 – 2021. Support for the introduction of the reform of free primary health care
March 15, 2021 0
I. Support for the introduction of the reform of free primary health care (health and nutrition) for mothers and children under 5 years of age
- 70 national and regional experts in health systems analysis and in priority strategies of the free
- Investment file finalized with financing strategies of the free
- Political validation of funding strategies and establishment of an implementation support committee
II. Support for the operationalization of the reform of free primary health care (health and nutrition) in the 5 demonstration districts before scaling up in the other 70 health districts
- 25 national experts and health districts form on free health care reform and operational planning and performance monitoring
- Mapping of health and health partners and financing in the 5 full demonstration districts
- 3. Annual operational plans for the implementation of free health care
Place: Bamako, MALI. 2020-2021